Microsoft Office Specialist (Office Specialist) certification, the premier
Microsoft desktop certification, is a globally recognized standard for
demonstrating desktop skills. The Office Specialist program is helping meet
the demand for qualified and knowledgeable people in the modern workplace.
"Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and the authoring part of Outlook - your
calendar, your mail notes and your contacts - not the shell of Outlook.
...we don't have a 'classic mode.' We surveyed customers to find out what
would help people transition, and they told us they really wanted us to help
them move forward, rather than doing any kind of classic mode."
Microsoft Security: "There are three steps you can take to improve your
computer's security. You can follow the three steps online, or print them for
easy reference."
[Mid-17th century. From modern Latin, originally a misprint
of Latin sittybas indexes, from, ultimately, Greek sittuba
index, label. — Encarta World Dictionary]